
Showing posts from March, 2021

Draupadi 2021- Reloaded

March 8th-2021-Women's day. Post lunch Draupadi was relaxing on the couch. Oh! no no, read it as after preparing lunch for her five husbands and taking a siesta. All of a sudden the guest arrives. The doorbell rang twice. She got upset and muttered,  "Nowadays these guests also na... anytime they just appear! Can't they spare me on Women's day at least..."  She peeped through the sheer window curtains and saw that it was Krishna. She took back her words in mind and ran towards the door for a warm welcome, "Oh! my brother Krishna... I am overwhelmed by your presence".  "It's been a long time and I was yearning to see my beloved sister. So, I happened to be here without any intimation." "I too was missing you Govind. But I was not anticipating this pleasant surprise at all!" Their chit-chat went on for a while. Then she realised that she didn't even ask him to have something. "Krishna... By the time you take a walk in the g...