Little Stories Of Love

The Room of Happiness

Teacher taking class about types of houses.

Teacher: We have living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom in a house. Right, children?

Little Girl: Ma'am, I have only one room in my house. What do I call it?

Teacher froze and replied in a moment, "Wow! That is called 'All-in-one room'. No one else has that kind here. That's wonderful!"

Little girl blushed with happiness.

A Parcel With Love

My usual place after work was the famous coffee house nearby. That day, I had my daily cup of evening coffee and was walking towards the bus stop. She was sitting on the roadside. Looking at me, outstretching her hands for a penny. She was aged, looked pale and tired. I took out a coin from my purse. Her eyes widened. At that instance, something struck my mind. 

I kept the coin back in my purse. Her face saddened with disappointment. I turned and walked back straight to the coffee house. Ordered an Idli-Vada parcel. 

She was gazing at me from afar. I fetched the parcel and continued walking towards the bus stop. She was clueless. When I reached near her, I leaned and kept the parcel infront of her and smiled. Her teary eyes and effusive smile spoke to me about many things. Sometimes, making someone happy by being kind means making ourselves happy! From that day, along with the coffee, the parcel also etched on to my list and life!

Children Of Heaven

Child 1: My mother says, those who don't believe in our God will go to hell! From then on, I am worried about you...

Child 2: Even my grandpa told me that those who don't believe in our God too will go to hell!

Child 1: Ahh... hurray! Then we'll be together there as well. Ooo..laa...laaa... :)

The Love Bomb

Somewhere on earth...

Father : One more shell attack today morning! Anytime we can expect a nuclear attack too. We are all going to die...

Child : Are there only bombs which kill people dadaa?? Do we have any bombs which spread love?!! 

Father : Oh! dear... If atleast half the people on earth would have thought that way then for sure we could produce bombs of love too. You may begin with one!!  

Listening Skills

You : I am depressed. I don't have anyone. No one loves me...

Random people's advice: 

"Do some yoga. You will feel better."

"Go for a walk."

"Just be happy. Do whatever you like. Everything will be alright."

"Go for a vacation. Take a break."

"It's okay. I am here for you always... Just talk to me, am listening..."

You : Who said that last line?? please....!!! 


"You don't love me nowadays like how you did--"

"Exactly! Because I love you more than I did!"

"Ha ha! You gotcha! That's what I meant...❤️"


Someone asked once to someone:

"You are so mature and you are only in your 30's! How is that possible??"

And the reply was:

"It's not maturity, it's called saturation. 'The moment of enlightenment' is when you realise that there is no point in arguments/fights. That's when you acquire calmness. Anyone can attain it at any age. Some find it at an early age, some late and some never!! Choose which category you want to be in..."

Love Of Life

What is love?

"Love is when you respect other one's individuality by giving them their own space. Unfortunately most of our love comes with possessiveness. We always mistake possessiveness as love and we are proud of it !"


Once upon a time, there was a girl with a heart of boy and a boy with a heart of girl. But people around them did not like it that way. So they tried transplanting their hearts instead of transplanting bodies. Subsequently, the boy and girl couldn't sustain themselves.


Give unconditional love

Give real respect

Give immense happiness

Give little empathy

In turn...

You take a mind full of PEACE!!


Sometimes getting older means realising that younger age theories are no more applicable and you need to build new ones.


Husband: Without talking to her I won't be happy... Let's go and end the fight.

Ego : Today you are not going to talk first. She started, so let her come to you. 

Wife: I love him... Am not feeling good at all, let me go and talk to him.

Ego : Why should you go first every time! Let him come to you this time.

Love+Ego= Ego

Love-Ego= Love

Unseen Learnings

We can teach them religion


We can teach them love

We can teach them equality


We can teach them discrimination


We can teach them selflessness


We can teach them selfishness

We can teach them ego


We can teach them humility

We can teach them possessiveness


We can teach them generosity

We can teach them empathy


We can teach them apathy

We can teach them to keep a word


We can teach them to break a heart

Think... What are you teaching your children?

Religion or love?

Equality or discrimination?

Ego or humility?

Possessiveness or generosity?

Empathy or apathy?

Selfishness or selflessness?

Honesty or hypocrisy?

To keep a word or to break a heart?

Beware...even if you are not teaching, they are learning from you!!

Gift to Children

Let them go, let them explore, let them fly, let them learn from mistakes, let them cry their heart out, let them laugh aloud, let them roar, let them feel solitude, let them feel togetherness, let them know nature, let them know destruction, let them be independent... that's the best gift you can ever give your children! 


Apart from the basic needs, the most essential thing for any human being is freedom. Without it, neither a heart nor a country can survive in peace! Let's build a world united in love not in religion/language...


  1. Sree, I am your biggest fan, now I have graduated to higher level of fannism(a term invented by me๐Ÿคฃ) My my...what to say. These are beautiful shots of love, wisdom and life๐Ÿ˜❤. Each story has millions of words and is a world in itself. Each has the potential of turning into a novel. Earlier I had read small short eerie stories, which gave the chill. Yours gave me hope, love and such a beautiful feeling. Keep writing. I couldn't find any shortcoming as a critic.

    1. Always my proof reader, my critic, my fan always supported and motivated me to the fullest! Am humbled by the love my dear... Waiting for our collaboration...๐Ÿ˜

  2. Keep writing Sree. You always inspire and motivate me with your stories. Love you ❤️

    1. Thank you sweets... You always make sure to leave a comment! Love u loads. My motivation is friends like you!

  3. Small yet powerful .. ๐Ÿ˜ I enjoyed reading it.

  4. Lakshmi, too good.
    Possessiveness is not love!!!!

  5. Compiled so well. Simple but so true.


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